New features and updates, version 3.2.7 (April 2021)

All announcements from the administrators regarding changes, possible problems and so on
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New features and updates, version 3.2.7 (April 2021)

Post by tendo-abc »

Dear customers,
We have released a new update.

New Features:
[*]Possibility to create additional MySQL database users for VIP accounts - now you can have additional accounts to access the databases independently
[*]Reminder about expiring services during payments - now, during any purchase you will be reminded about other services that are expiring
[*]Subdomain can start with underscore
[*]Support for .FR/.RE/.PM/.TF/.WF/.YT domains
[*]Upgraded phpBB to 3.2.11 and PrestaShop to 1.7 in the software section
[*]Email reminder about expiring hosting account 14 days before the expiration
[*]Removed very old unpaid transactions in the payments section
[*]Improved system notifications
[*]Removed very old notifications from the user panel
[*]Small improvements in design

Bugfixes and updates:
[*]Fixed pricing for expired global domains - instead of a higher price for renewing domain during the quarantine period, now it shows the proper price
[*]Resolved problems with registering .uk and domains
[*]Fixed advanced DNS tab
[*]Fixed MINTME payments
[*]Fixed unexpected extra items added to upgrade parameters modal
[*]Fixed incorrect status for domains in certain cases
[*]Changes in Privacy Policy
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