Create your own Wordpress site with!

Wordpress is the most popular content management system in the world. Originally it was used mainly for blogs, but now it successfully works also for simple websites. Wordpress script has many plugins, so it is easy to customize it to your specific needs.

Advantages of Wordpress

Easy to use

Wordpress is easy to use. You don’t have to know PHP or even HTML – every content can be added using a graphical editor, so it can be used by less advanced customers. Even beginners should not have problem with basic operations related to website management.

Support from the large community

25% of all websites in the world are based on Wordpress, there is a large support community. If you have a problem with your script, there is a big chance that you will find an answer on one of the forums or blogs dedicated to this CMS system.


Huge facilitation for all customers who own websites based on Wordpress are thousands of plugins, that allow to add many new functions and expand it's capabilities. What is important, the great majority of plugins is available for free.


Appearance of websites based on Wordpress system is defined by easy to install templates. There is a large amount of free and payable Wordpress templates in the internet, so every customer can find something that will satisfy his expectation.

Easy menu management

Wordpress has a very intuitive way to manage menu. Even beginners should have no trouble with settings.

Do you want to create your own Wordpress website? Use automatic installation on!

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